The Postal Service介绍

The Postal Service的两名成员Jimmy Tamborello和Ben Gibbard分别隶属另外的几个独立团体Dntel 、 Figurine和 Death Cab for Cutie,由于一次 唱片上的合作使得两人开始了彼此的合作并组成The Postal Service,正如乐队的名称一样,这依然又是一个靠电子邮件合作交流的乐队,Tamborello发给Gibbard一些电子乐片段,然后再由Gibbard添加吉他、人声和歌词等,两个本来互不了解的陌生人就是在这样不断的磨合和交流中,总能不断的产生让人意外的惊喜,就这样,两个人于03年在SUB POP厂发行了这张《Give Up》。如今的两个人依然为各自的乐队忙碌新的专辑,但The postal service的新专辑也许我们随时都有可能听到,因为像Gibbard说的那样:只要Tamborello开始发给他旋律片段,两个人的合作就又会重新开始。

Named for the way they traded sounds and ideas, the Postal Service is an electronica-meets-indie rock supergroup featuring Jimmy Tamborello (of Dntel and Figurine), and Death Cab for Cutie's Ben Gibbard; Rilo Kiley's Jenny Lewis, and former Tattle Tale and solo artist Jen Wood provide backing vocals. Tamborello and Gibbard first worked together on the title track of Dntel's This Is the Dream of Evan and Chan EP; from there, the duo continued to collaborate via mail, with Tamborello sending electronic pieces and Gibbard adding guitars, vocals, and lyrics. The result, Give Up, were released in early 2003 by Sub Pop.


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