Lady & Bird介绍


    Lady&Bird--->Keren Ann和Bradi Johannsson,一个是拥有多国血统的混血女创作人,一个是冰岛Trip-hop乐队Bang Gang的主唱。化身为Lady&Bird共同合作的一张同名专辑,优秀的女声出色的编曲。吉他加上一些柔软的和声,入耳是滑腻的,然而又不是一种甜腻,借用一句形容mum音乐的话就是:"于冰冷之处呵出温暖之花"女生合唱的吟或是拟声层次丰富而韵律感十足层层叠叠不犹让人想起莲花之类的东西一层层铺展开来,花瓣柔和呈现的同时清香出来了,浸入人心.很迷恋Lady Bird的和声,简洁明了,力度适宜,音乐不俗,转折或是高潮往往给人京戏不在该到的时候到来,我们终是喜欢在刺激或是未知中得到欢乐的. Lady Bird,是一支有阳光破碎声音的美丽乐队. Lady Bird. 或是Lady and Bird....



Keren Ann

Bradi Johannsson

Suicide is Painless,叙述他人故事一般的冷静和娓娓道来.并不像Ann个人作品中的那样愉悦,也没有Johannsson惯常的Trip-hop桥段,简简单单的AC Guitar分解和弦,伴随的却是相对复杂的人声,这固然包括了Lady和bird的声音,其中Ann负责了3个声部,所有合成起来,加上歌词,犹如处于自杀的边缘并考虑中,压抑,模糊,同时代有疑虑的感觉...

La Ballads of Lady & Bird
Bird : Lady?
Lady : Yes Bird?
Bird : It's cold
Lady : I know
Lady : Bird... I cannot see a thing
Bird : It's all in your mind
Lady : I'm worried
Bird : No one will come to see us
Lady : Maybe they come but we just don't see them
What do you see?
Bird : I see what's outside
Lady : And what exactly is outside?
Bird : It's grown-ups
Lady : Well maybe if we scream they can hear us
Bird : Yeah, maybe we should try to scream
Lady : Ok, Bird
Lady & Bird : Heeeelp, Heeeelp
Can you hear us now ?
Hello !
Help !
Hello it's me
Can you see
Can you see me
I'm here
Nana come and take us
Are you there
Lady : I don't think they can hear us
Bird : I can hear you lady
Bird : Do you want to come with me lady
Lady : Will you be nice to me Bird
Lady : You're always be nice to me because you're my friend
Bird : I try but sometimes I make mistakes
Lady : Nana says we all make mistakes
Bird : Maybe we should scream more
Lady : Yes, Bird let's scream more
Lady & Bird : Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help
Hello !
Hello !
We're lost
Lady : I think they cannot see us
Bird : Nobody likes us
Lady : But they all seem so big
Bird : Maybe we should just jump
Lady : What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us
Bird : I don't know let's just see what happens
Lady : Okay
Bird : Come with me
Lady : Shall we do it together
Bird : Yeah
Lady & Bird : 1 2 3....Aaaaaaah
Bird : Lady?
Lady : Yes Bird
Bird : It's cold
Lady : I know
Lady : Bird...I cannot see a thing
Bird : It's all in your mind



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