Blonde Redhead介绍

Blonde Redhead成立于1993年,最初由日本籍留学生 Kazu Makino、 Maki Takahashi和一对意大利孪生兄弟Amedeo Pace 、 Simone Pace四人所组成。名字Blonde Redhead是取源于80年代 no-wave乐队 DNA的一首歌名。

blonde redhead这个由两个意大利双胞胎和两个日本女生组成的怪异组合在很难用常理去归纳}他们。大可以偷懒地说他们是 no wave的关联产物(团名还是来自於经典no wave名团DNA之曲名),而乐风上也很难不去联想到sonic youth的痕迹,尤以早期作品最为显著,矛盾的是这也是教许多死忠blonde redhead迷最为留恋的,不是说打后的作品不好,只是该时期的他们特具一股狂放的初生之犊气势,除了满佈菱角的尖锐噪音吉他与急激节奏外,最抓得住听觉关注的自是贝斯手兼女主音kazu独树一帜的嗓音,虽然那种奇特的唱腔大抵会被纳}入kim gordon或是cat power的发声系统,然而纤细神经质的高尖音色却又十分有bjork的味道,kazu就像一个alternative女声的集结,充满挑逗性的痴人囈语,不得不承认blonde redhead的魅力有大半是来自於她。

Singer/guitarist Kazu Makino is from Japan and twin brothers Simone and Amedeo Pace (drummer/programmer and singer/guitarist, respectively) are from Italy.

Biography by Tracy Frey
Blonde Redhead's noisy, dissonant guitars, alternate tunings, and quiet, stilted lyrics have often been compared to early Sonic Youth. After randomly meeting at an Italian restaurant in New York, Japanese art students Kazu Makino and Maki Takahashi and Italian twin brothers Simone and Amedeo Pace formed the band in 1993. The name was taken from a song by the '80s no wave band DNA. With Makino and Amedeo on guitars and vocals, Simone on drums, and Takahashi on bass, the band's chaotic, artistic rock caught the attention of Sonic Youth drummer Steve Shelley, who produced and released the band's debut album, Blonde Redhead, on his Smells Like Records label. Shortly after the album's release, Takahashi left the band. The remaining members continued as a trio, releasing a second album in 1995 on Shelley's label, titled La Mia Vita Violenta. For their 1997 release Fake Can Be Just as Good, recorded on Touch and Go, the trio was joined by guest bass player Vern Rumsey from Unwound. By 1998, the band eliminated bass and scaled back to guitars, drums, and vocals for In an Expression of the Inexpressible. Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons and the Melodie Citronique EP followed two years later. The band's first for 4AD, Misery Is a Butterfly, was released in spring 2004. For 2007's 23, the group opted for a mix of dream-pop and delicate electronic textures.


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