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zouzhou / Posted in 摄影及其工具 » 机身 on 2010-10-4 / 阅读(6335) / 评论(1) »

Olympus EP-3 by the end of the yearBy PR admin | Published: October 3, 2010

Olympus EP-3 is expected to be a major upgrade, here are some of the rumored specs:

    * 16MP sensor, supports 1080 video and up to ISO 6400, 12800 extension.
    * Articulated LCD, 3″ and 920K.
    * No built-in flash or EVF, but there are connectors for optional ones.
    * The design “lines” are closer to EPL1 than EP2. The form factor, being slim with an articulated screen, is unique. The closest thing would be a scaled-up Samsung EX1/TL500.
    * Considerable improvements in AF. A headline feature is a new dual AF (CDAF+ PDAF). The PDAF aids CDAF to decide the right focus distance reducing the typical CDAF trial-and-error, particularly helpful for AF of heavy classic 4/3 lenses, (it works MUCH BETTER than any m4/3 body with legacy 4/3 lenses, excellent w m4/3 lenses).
    * A special accessory unit comprising a hand grip + 4/3 lens adapter. The unit covers the whole front panel and almost transforms the EP3 to a classic 4/3 camera when attached.
    * Expected in November/December for the holiday shopping season, price TBA.

I even got some information that a new Olympus EP camera is currently being tested in the UK.

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1 Responses
宾得太姑父 says:
at 2010-10-5 01:04

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